星期五, 1月 16, 2009


在祢光中 帶著盼望 祢領我出黑暗入光明
張開雙臂 帶我回家 我屬於祢是祢的最愛

天父擁抱我 祢愛的雙臂 使我再一次 成為愛中的孩子
當祢擁抱我 我可以自由 活出祢旨意 天父我永遠屬祢 祢的最愛

A child of light, a child of hope.
Adopted from darkness into life.
With open arms, You welcome home.
I am Your child, You call me as Your own.

Father, hold me, in Your arms of love,
where I'm safe to be, a little child who's made for love.
When You hold me, I am free to be who I'm meant to be.
Father, I'm Your child, Your own, Your beloved.

