星期六, 5月 19, 2007



所謂的MECE即是"Mutually Exclusive, Collectively Exhaustive"的縮寫,中文意思就是”彼此獨立,互無遺漏”。MECE是問題解決過程的一種過程與這終狀態,其中MECE要求每一問題中的議題(issue)需要彼此獨立,並且將全部議題所壘加起來的狀態需要是完整的(亦即不能遺漏任何議題)。換句話說,MECE即是將問題拆解成許多子問題(在此子問題稱為議題),並重新建構這些議題關係,使相關議題彼此間獨立且完整(也就是其他議題不能再拆解成與先前議題相關,並且無法再增新的議題),是解決問題的重要步驟。

此外,Wikipedia也針對MECE Principle進行定義,內容包括:

The MECE principle (where "MECE" stands for "mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive") says that data should be divided in groups which do not overlap and which cover all the data. This is desirable for the purpose of analysis, because it avoids the both problem of double-counting and the risk of overlooking information.

The MECE principle is useful in the business mapping process. If information can be arranged exhaustively and without double counting in each level of the hierarchy, the way of arrangement is ideal.
