記住...不是 All or Nothing 的呢...
心中渴望祢的靈 此刻降臨在我心靈
恩主懇求祢幫助 心中惡願祢洗清
心中渴望祢的靈 一再點燃漸冷心靈
心中渴望祢的靈 安慰軟弱亂紊心靈
紛擾裡讓我安靜 主的說話再細聽
心中渴望祢的靈 火中點燃漸冷心靈
星期三, 5月 27, 2009
星期一, 5月 25, 2009
星期六, 5月 23, 2009
宣教日引 08.05.20
星期一, 5月 18, 2009
星期一, 5月 11, 2009
Celtic Tenors - Summer of my Dreams
words & music by David Mallett
In the shade of this old tree,
in the summer of my dreams.
By the tall grass, by the wild rose,
where the trees dance and the wind blows,
As the days go oh so slowly,
as the sun shines oh so holy
on the good and gracious green,
In the summer of my dreams.
By the banks of this old stream,
in the summer of my dreams,
By the deep pool where the fish wait
for the old fool with the wrong bait,
There's a field of purple clover,
there's a small cloud passing over,
and then the rain comes washing clean,
In the summer of my dreams.
See the raindrops, on the grass now,
just like diamonds lying there.
By the old road, where I pass now,
there's a twilight on the air.
And as the sun sets down before me,
I see my true love waiting for me,
standing by the back porch screen,
In the summer of my dreams.
In the shade of this old tree,
in the summer of my dreams,
By the tall grass, by the wild rose,
where the trees dance as the beans grow.
As the days go oh so slowly,
as the sun shines oh so holy,
on the good and gracious green.
In the summer of my dreams,
In the summer of my dreams
In the shade of this old tree,
in the summer of my dreams.
By the tall grass, by the wild rose,
where the trees dance and the wind blows,
As the days go oh so slowly,
as the sun shines oh so holy
on the good and gracious green,
In the summer of my dreams.
By the banks of this old stream,
in the summer of my dreams,
By the deep pool where the fish wait
for the old fool with the wrong bait,
There's a field of purple clover,
there's a small cloud passing over,
and then the rain comes washing clean,
In the summer of my dreams.
See the raindrops, on the grass now,
just like diamonds lying there.
By the old road, where I pass now,
there's a twilight on the air.
And as the sun sets down before me,
I see my true love waiting for me,
standing by the back porch screen,
In the summer of my dreams.
In the shade of this old tree,
in the summer of my dreams,
By the tall grass, by the wild rose,
where the trees dance as the beans grow.
As the days go oh so slowly,
as the sun shines oh so holy,
on the good and gracious green.
In the summer of my dreams,
In the summer of my dreams
星期三, 5月 06, 2009
The Return of the Prodigal Son
by Henri J.M. Nouwen (盧雲)
p. 21
by Rembrandt (1606-1669)

包約翰 著
p. 21-23 愛你自己是甚麼意思
1) 愛,尊重、肯定被愛者無條件及獨特的價值。
2) 愛,承認並試著去滿足被愛者的需要。
3) 愛,寬恕並忘卻被愛者的過失。
p. 21-23 愛你自己是甚麼意思
1) 愛,尊重、肯定被愛者無條件及獨特的價值。
2) 愛,承認並試著去滿足被愛者的需要。
3) 愛,寬恕並忘卻被愛者的過失。
p. 142 消極的情緒
對話中最棘手的問題顯然是消極的情緒... ...我們必須曉得如果我們在對話中不能和對方分享我消極的情緒,那唯一另外一條路便是把這些情緒發作出來,不是傷害到自己(頭痛、漬瘍),便是發作到他人身上,賭氣不說話冷言冷語,或玩一些其他生氣的把戲,或找無辜的旁人出氣... ...我們必須確信消極的情緒本身並不是壞事,而是雙方關係健全的一個徵兆。如果沒有摩擦、緊張,那才是惡兆,表示雙方的關係不是死了,便是快結束了。
p. 144 一個能治療人的問題
星期二, 5月 05, 2009
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